Why choose a forestry career

Great opportunities
Wherever you start from in the forest industry, you will have clear pathways and many future career choices within the industry.

Great benefits
People in the forest industry enjoy their jobs! You can earn good money, work in some amazing places, and have great colleagues.

Great growth
There always something new to learn and the sky is the limit in forestry. There is a strong demand for staff at all levels, and opportunities to train and upskill throughout your career.
Getting into a forestry career

Decide the career you want
There are so many options in forestry, from planting and managing trees to admin, research, GIS, engineering, human resource management and many more. One will be right for you.
View career options
Find out where to train
Some people go straight into a forestry job, but you may choose a degree, a diploma, or opt for more practical training. Find the course to suit you.
Check out training options
Who to contact
Search for a training course near you, or email careers@nzfoa.org.nz for further advice about the training you might need and what’s available to suit you career choice.
More useful contactsSafety is the top priority

We do every job the right way
Everyone working in forestry is trained to do every job the right way every time. Safety is part of the industry’s culture. No shortcut is worth taking in any forestry workplace.

Training continues on the job
Health and safety is a big part of all forestry training. People working in forestry can constantly upskill while remaining both productive and safe.

Safety resources available
Safety really is top priority in the forest industry. The Forest Industry Safety Council (FISC) is the industry’s safety organisation, and has loads of safety resources for employers and employees on the Safetree website.